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Osakatad said:

I think such arts should be prohibited on this site as it brings political matters and in fact are a material that ignites a cultural feud.

Political arguments arenโ€™t really all that common here, and when they do start, the mods usually do a decent job keeping things from getting too out of hand. If you find a post offensive, the best thing to do is to add the relevant tags to your blacklist so you wonโ€™t see them. You can blacklist artists too.

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    RosettaSuper said:

    This is just mean man

    Considering how she tends to act to Rhodes employees, basically being an asshole knowing they can't really do anything since Kalt'sit's said they can't, this is basically just karma.

    Especially since, in this very comic, she starting off insulting Rhodes by saying it was too cheap to have Christmas parties.

    Maybe if she were a little nicer they'd invite her.

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    RosettaSuper said:

    This is just mean man

    Nah, she isn't exactly fond of anyone in Rhodes Island. The Dr. Is pretty obvious but she doesn't like Kal'tsit either and she treats the whole staff like crap without provocation too, I think the only person she treats with some level of professionalism is Amiya and that's only for her connection with Theresa. Even her old team admit she's a humongous pain on the ass, and that's when she's not trying to be a jerkass on purpose

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