An ethnic group known to have ancient mages called prophets who are chosen enact the will of Yaweh. One of them was called Moses who freed them from their Egyptian masters. Nowadays they control the finances of both Mages, and non mages, and use earth magic to build tunnels.
Poster, I'll be frank, your art is cute! But moderators may disagree, and me helping you tag wouldn't help much. Why not post in some other platform too for a bit to get eyes on your work? Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter, Pixiv, really, there's a lot to pick from!
iirc Bismarck was influential and powerful... just like his namesake ship (tho why dafuq did the Kaiser "set him free"?)
Mostly because he was influential and powerful. The era of the Kaiserreich under Wilhelm I was pretty much run by Bismarck and the emperor's grandson, Wilhelm II, did not like that. Also, he felt Bismarck was too tame since did not want to show off with military hardware or pursue the acquisition of colonies - something that was en vogue in Europe at the time - and kicked him out, wanting to proceed with all that (though he was late).
iirc Bismarck was influential and powerful... just like his namesake ship (tho why dafuq did the Kaiser "set him free"?)
Basically, because he was TOO influential and powerful.
The new kaiser needed to prove himself politically to his own domestic audience, so he needed to act tough on the world stage. Otto von Bismarck had been keeping a delicate balance of power throughout Europe for the sake of international peace, and that didn't serve the new kaiser's goals of looking belligerent and hence, "tough".
Hence, rather than growing fat and wealthy through peace and prosperity by keeping their enemies pitted against each other, he set up a World War that wound up with pretty much 2/3rds of Europe tripping over itself to blast the shit out of Germany, and surrendering under humiliating terms, just like a "tough leader" should!
Basically, because he was TOO influential and powerful.
The new kaiser needed to prove himself politically to his own domestic audience, so he needed to act tough on the world stage. Otto von Bismarck had been keeping a delicate balance of power throughout Europe for the sake of international peace, and that didn't serve the new kaiser's goals of looking belligerent and hence, "tough".
Hence, rather than growing fat and wealthy through peace and prosperity by keeping their enemies pitted against each other, he set up a World War that wound up with pretty much 2/3rds of Europe tripping over itself to blast the shit out of Germany, and surrendering under humiliating terms, just like a "tough leader" should!
Should had just listened to Bismarck and learn everything he could about Realpolitiking then throw his weight around after Otto croaks.