


I get this. My first time dealing with Oysters was when they were in the shell and it just looked nasty as hell to me. Then someone one served them to me sandwiched inside crackers and I fell in love with them. Visuals matter lol

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  • Date Uploader pararaaaaaa Rating General

    NNescio said:

    Joker's still has some luck left, since Still In Love hasn't joined the fray... yet.

    Amusing he didn't added new umas that are canonically /love/ trainer. But that might run out once Still is out of the gate.

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    sugusaraha said:

    But the flower dies when you pick it, does this means a death flag?

    "Time waits for no one, nor does it know mercy, yet the more I look at you, the more I look forward for the future."

    - Some guy who might've died at some point, probably.

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