I don't know too much (borderline nothing) about touhou, but Reimu not needing an umbrella CANNOT be that serious. Unless it is?
For context: Kogasa is the tsukumogami (object spirit) of a discarded umbrella. So Reimu basically just told Kogasa to her face that she doesn't need her/an umbrella.
Umamusume universe version of the Memorial Walk at Nakayama Keibajo, which display the previous winners of the Satsuki Sho and Arima Kinen, of which Rudolf won both and the latter's 2024 edition about to start in less than 90 minutes.
Seriously, though, you can figure out how to pluck a string visually, and can learn which ones to pluck from a book, and get feedback from others hearing you play. As that all-deaf band link proves, it's not impossible to learn to play an instrument while deaf.
Uhh...In the bottom panel...Is that a Firekeeper Friend from Dark Souls 3 on the bottom right side and Jibanyan Friend from Youkai Watch on the bottom, 2nd from the left?
Nobody seems to have noticed yet, but there's a Xenomorph Friend right next to the Predator Friend. She seems to have a marking resembling the human skull the original version inside its head.