


olivierwolf said:

Please credit the original artist, at the risk of reporting it myself.

You mean like putting the artist name in bright red at the top of the tag list under a header named "Artist"?
Or something more like placing a direct link to the Twitter post of the artist next to a field named "Source:"?

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    olivierwolf said:

    Please credit the original artist, at the risk of reporting it myself.

    Danbooru goes to much greater lengths than most to source and credit the artists of the works it archives. Where exactly are you expecting this credit to go if the artist's tag that contains links to every art hosting account they have that we know of and the link in the bottom left directly to the source of the image you're currently looking at aren't good enough?

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    Kahvro said:

    Oh dear. I forsee great chaos. Any From Soft / Elden Ring fans wanna chime in?

    Dodging forward or jumping negates A LOT of "Elden Ring is BS" woes.
    Jump has longer invul frames starting waist down so it's very good at dodging the "roll catch shockwave"
    "Vertical delay attacks" can be sprinted to the side
    "20 hit combo" can be cut down to dodging only 5 by dodging forward rather than backwards.
    ER does have a lot of input reads though, I'll grant it that.

    The game just takes getting used to because it wants you to be conservative on offense, but aggressive in positioning.

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    Bruh the only hard boss in base game ER is malenia. And yeah while absolutely she falls into all the categories the artist listed, every other boss has those mechanics except toned down by like a hundred. They’re nowhere near as fast, combo’y, (except for maliketh but he has like no health) or have self heal like malenia. That’s what made her so infamous. Giving a 3/10 rating for a game because of a single optional boss is kinda ridiculous.

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    LastButterfly said:

    Sometimes I wonder if pics in the Current Events pool that do not provide any context or explanation for those not in the know should be removed from said pool. But since that would probably slash the pool by half, maybe not.

    A-chan was a staff member of Hololive who left today.

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    LastButterfly said:

    Sometimes I wonder if pics in the Current Events pool that do not provide any context or explanation for those not in the know should be removed from said pool. But since that would probably slash the pool by half, maybe not.

    The pool specifically requests context be given in the comments, which only half of users ever bother to do. Context should either be given if it's known, or they should be removed.

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    tefras88 said:

    She wasn't just a staff member. She was part of the soul of Hololive.

    Arguably you could even go so far as to call her the founder of Hololive. Yagoo is Cover’s CEO and Sora was the pioneer talent, but A-Chan was the one who came up with the idea and reached out to make it happen.

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    Incineration said:

    Wait what, what happened? Did she quit entirely?

    She steps down from her position at Cover, because of family reasons.

    I speculate it is related to family business and she has to take care of them, as it isn't uncommon in Japan to have this circumstances happen due retirement/illness or dead in the family of a person in an important position

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    dailang said:

    I hope A-chan just got married, and that's the reason for her retirement. A medical reason for a family member that requires her to retire entirely is a little to sad to hear for me.

    I hope A-chan all the best wish tho

    A-chan isn’t a talent and doesn’t have to uphold herself to idol behavior. Getting married wouldn’t be an issue for her.

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    mikeap said:

    A-chan isn’t a talent and doesn’t have to uphold herself to idol behavior. Getting married wouldn’t be an issue for her.

    None of the talents are banned from relationships either. People quitting their job after marriage isn't something that's exclusive to the idol industry.

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    Incineration said:

    None of the talents are banned from relationships either. People quitting their job after marriage isn't something that's exclusive to the idol industry.

    My point is A-Chan wouldn’t need to lie about it being sick parents to cover up a marriage. The talents are free to have relationships but they probably aren’t supposed to make them public. Staff however would have no issue like that.

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    Raisen22 said:

    She steps down from her position at Cover, because of family reasons.

    I speculate it is related to family business and she has to take care of them, as it isn't uncommon in Japan to have this circumstances happen due retirement/illness or dead in the family of a person in an important position

    Please don't start speculating. She's been on hiatus for family health concerns for months, and by her own words chose to retire because she wouldn't be able to return to work like she had originally planned. If it's something that's keeping her away from Hololive, the project she spearheaded and supported more than anyone else for seven years, then it must be extremely serious, and who knows how hard it's been on her. We don't need to know anything more than that, and it never goes anywhere good when people start speculating about other peoples' personal lives.

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    Arachnos said:

    If Mazeran was ever the artist for a game, this would be the standard cannon fodder monster.

    Actually, this is supposed to be a fairly powerful god from the Cthulhu Mythos. Forget the name, it's the one that guards the tablet with knowledge of the great old ones/outer gods/etc.

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    NegativeSoul said:

    Good thing he can't die permanently because he's about to catch some hell. Persephone might not be a god of war but it's gonna be hard to tell in a moment.

    According to the original mythology, Persephone is the scarier of the two, evening being called “Dread Persephone” in the Odyssey. So, yeah, he’s definitely in for it.

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    WesternScribe said:

    According to the original mythology, Persephone is the scarier of the two, evening being called “Dread Persephone” in the Odyssey. So, yeah, he’s definitely in for it.

    God of the Dead phase 4 where they just hand Marty Friedman a guitar and say "go, do a crime."

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    Poislayer342 said:

    Ah yes, Rellana, sister of Rennala. I can't help but think they made her from a simple joke lol.

    It's not a joke, it's how GRRM writes character names. Tywin, Tyrion, Tygett, Tytos. Aegon, Aemon, Aemond, Aerion, Aegor, Aelor, Aenor. Hell, this game has an Igon as a reference to Aegon.

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