That doesn't work if the thumbnails aren't what we see.
That... feels reductive, in this case.
One being that's not a condition for the pool, whose only rules state "If something strikes you as "clever", it goes here. This might be a witty visual pun, a savvy cross-reference, or just something really original." And this objectively is clever - it's using the thumbnail function on twitter to produce a composite image out of two thumbnails.
Two, there's plenty of images in the Clever pool where how it's clever needs to be explained. And there's at least one whole pool, Hilarious in Hindsight, where comments explaining why things should be in there is practically mandatory.
I can be brought around to the idea that Clever isn't the right pool for it, but not without some other pool or more unique tag used. Clever, Creative, the most tortured definition of Misleading Thumbnails? or some tag for decomposite images. Because it'd be a damn shame if this imageset didn't get the signal boost it deserved just because no single image qualifies on it's own.
I'd even be receptive to trying to edit the images to a version that matches the thumbnail so that can get the appropriate marker. We just should be able to do this art justice somehow.
Not everything belongs in a pool and the purpose of Danbooru is not to "do art justice" by treating pools and tags like awards. Pools do not exist for "signal boosting." By themselves these are completely normal looking images, only through Twitter's specific cropping do you see something special.
That said, the correct tag for this, afaik, is thumbnail collage. We don't need to put every set of images like that into the Clever pool.
Hey, since I am a pretty big fan of history, I wanted to ask what to these flags belong to. Thanks for any answers !
None of those flags have anything to do with hiatory. The left one is a bear flag. Bear as in the gay kind, not animal kind. The right one is the leather pride flag.
If I had a nickel for every time someone posted a manga of Verxina having nightmares about Gentildonna pulling a Narita Top Road on her sisters, I'd have three. Not a whole lot, but still.
So, in this case I happened to recognize the fence and it's color because it's pretty distinctive, and in the context of a jirai kei being there it's not that unexpected. This is corroberated by the other pages in this comic, even though this was the first one that got me to pay attention to it. After realizing it's this park, it's just a matter of checking all sides (one side doesn't have this fence), and post #8136076 also helped locate it in relation to the toilets block.
A popular reaction image used on forums like Something Awful / Facepunch (RIP) / Knockout with a large userbase of people with some connection to Source games like TF2. There has always been a large divide between the pro-anime and anti-anime people in the TF2 community. So whenever the discussion in a thread became "too anime" it's been a tradition for the antis to spam this reaction image.