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Zhuo_Xing said:

What's going on at the last panel?Why is Kogasa wearing wedding dress?

Massive necro, but it’s actually pretty mean on kogasa. The whole strip is basically Nazrin training her to be a housewife so she can marry someone who can take care of her because that’s easier than teaching Kogasa to be scary on her own.

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    Tetsamaru said:

    Honestly don't get why Lily got sick of the Mochi while Nazrin didn't. Unless Nazrin just has weird taste.

    Nazrin probably poisoned the mochi meant for Lily. It's not unheard of to use poisoned bait with those kinds of traps in order to help catch your target.

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    Tetsamaru said:

    Honestly don't get why Lily got sick of the Mochi while Nazrin didn't. Unless Nazrin just has weird taste.

    Maybe she poisoned it specifically so Kyouko could take care of Lily, thus the two of them become even closer.

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    jdwdesu said:

    See, I never understood this. If they were trying to capture Lily White alive (as evidenced by the drop trap) why use poisoned bait? Maybe it went bad from sitting out too long?

    Sorry for the late reply (I did check "No bump" just to be safe), but Gensokyo fairies automatically self-resurrect after they die as long as the aspect of nature they embody/personify continues to exist. Lily White won't stay dead as long as Spring exists, so even if the bait was intended to be lethal she'll be back soon enough anyway.

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    Schrobby said:

    It would be a nice end, but don't worry, there is more.

    Yeah, a bunch more were literally uploaded like an hour after my last comment (the ending to this strip seemed a natural conclusion to the pool as a whole, so that's why I thought that).

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    Only Mogador's thighs can be lewd but isnt like official artwork put that much enphasis on them, is the job of the fandom capitalize on her thighs, thats much better for the creative drive of the fandom imo than just officially make her entire personality around a fetish.

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    Admiral_Shippai said:

    Only Mogador's thighs can be lewd but isnt like official artwork put that much enphasis on them, is the job of the fandom capitalize on her thighs, thats much better for the creative drive of the fandom imo than just officially make her entire personality around a fetish.

    I see the official art really did put the heavy emphasis on that.

    Sure, it's not overly shown, but the emphasis is so prominent that the fandom can't afford to not capitalize on that.

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