high_status_bastard said:
From what I understand what you mean, that in general Touhou sucks, I already know that the "cookie" thing exists and how cringey it is (it's like a poorly done lobotomy to the "franchise" if you ask me)
Not Touhou that sucks, just its fanbase, which is typical of any large fandom. It's also not really a very fair judgement, since we're judging based on the fucked up minority. The unpleasant members stand out the most, and there's going to be more of those the larger the sample size, but the majority of most fandoms are actually perfectly fine and normal.
Their point was that fans aren't better or worse depending on their country of origin. The Japanese fans have just as many controversies and bad apples as the western fans. You just don't hear about them because they happen in Japanese spaces, but if something happens in the English speaking side then of course you'll hear all about it.