post #9000000 GET!



salt1725 said:

I play on jp and don't know japanese what happened?

mizuki focused event happened, a classmate outed them to ena before they could tell her themselves (as they were on their way to do), mizuki heard and saw, then ran off.


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    salt1725 said:

    I play on jp and don't know japanese what happened?

    Mizuki's behavior in game was altered after Chapter 8 of Path of Thorns. In a child post, I commented:

    Utilizes the Point of No Return warning pop-up that appears before starting Chapter 8 of "Where does the path of Thorns lead to?"

    Mizuki seems to accept this...

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    Translation from artist:
    Commander: Well... she's my daughter...

    Watanabe: Commander, why didn't you tell me about me and your child?
    From now on, I will protect my family. Let's go back to Eden with the whole family...
    Lucia: What are you talking about?
    Lee: Give me permission to fire!Commander!
    Watanabe: Is her name Chaos?Let's sleep together tonight.
    Bianca: Hey, you...
    Watanabe: Dad is coming home late tonight.

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