A frame of Wanshi from Punishing: Gray Raven.
In the Hypnos frame, Wanshi has short white hair that is usually unkempt or messy (possibly cowlicks), he has yellow eyes but the left eye is covered by his hair. Wears a sleep mask on his forehead, he is usually depicted tired, sleeping and/or has bags under eyes. Has a single mole under mouth (left chin) and two mechanical legs that attaches above the knee.
His apparels consist of a black undershirt with a white open jacket, the jacket's long sleeves can be coated in digital camouflage depending on awakening level of the character. Wears a pair of white pants, with thigh strap, thigh pouch and belt pouch. Other possible accessories including dog tags, chest harness and a walkie-talkie.
Uses a sniper rifle as main weapon and a pistol handgun as side arm.
This tag implicates wanshi_(pgr) (learn more).