post #9000000 GET!



NNescio said:

Tachyon's shady new drug
Dr. Light(s)'s shady new invention + It's a Satono Group conspiracy.

Remember the theory that SEGA is gonna put the 3 AI goddess in a body? Well we got an answer now.

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    NNescio said:

    Tachyon's shady new drug
    Dr. Light(s)'s shady new invention + It's a Satono Group conspiracy.

    T34-38 said:

    Remember the theory that SEGA is gonna put the 3 AI goddess in a body? Well we got an answer now.

    Now they start the productions

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    NNescio said:

    Yeah, no friend support card for her (unlike all the other NPC hosts of the previous scenarios), so people are stuck using Ryouka's (from UAF) for now.

    Ryouka-san is still good... Albeit mine's not LB yet.

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    Hina can only even exist at her original power level if they're inside of the simulation, meaning that Remi is fighting under someone else's rules.

    And if there's anything we know for sure in Touhou it's that environmental rules have a huge impact on power levels. SSiB being case in point. There may even be safety limits in place for the simulation meaning there are parts of Remi's powerset that just don't work.

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    RNGCombo said:

    Hina can only even exist at her original power level if they're inside of the simulation, meaning that Remi is fighting under someone else's rules.

    And if there's anything we know for sure in Touhou it's that environmental rules have a huge impact on power levels. SSiB being case in point. There may even be safety limits in place for the simulation meaning there are parts of Remi's powerset that just don't work.

    Since when is Blue Archive a simulation?!

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    Alixiron said:

    Don't know the powerscale of Blue Archive but can't believe Remilia getting beaten with how op she is

    Remi getting beat is mainly just for the plot.
    Going for actual powerscaling rules, Remi just stomps hard. Remi dealt with Reimu who is far worse than Hina is a lot of way.

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    AmericanAirlines said:

    Really is a shame what happened to them. Rebuilding them taller and stronger would've been the greatest comeback of the century.

    "You destroyed our buildings and killed our people? Ok, fuck you."

    Immoral though... You're building it on a literal thousands of graves

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