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bombermania said:

At this point I doubt Ash is even human at all, with his super strength and eternal youth.

Of course not. Ash is actually the dormant form of The Destroyer. When he becomes a Pokemon Champion, he will sing the song that heralds the End of All Things, and thus begin the unholy machinations that will undo the works of Man and Mon.

Or at least, he might as well be, considering that the anime writers apparently think they have to end the series if they let Ash win the goddamn Pokemon League.

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    Keo said:

    Also, the pokedex is a liar most of the time. It's what you should expect when most of the data is written and recorded by either kids or senile old grandpas who can't even remember their grandson's name. They even had a episode in the anime where they visit a professor who program and input the data into the dex and he straight up admitted that most of what he put in was all either exaggerations or downright false.

    I wish I had found this post eight years ago so I could ask which episode this was. Alas!

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