This guest art bromide is by 小坂俊史/Shunji Kosaka with their series サイダースファンクラブ/'Ciders Fan Club' appearing. I've got 4 of the 5 characters that appear in it. Medium black hair- Mera Shiwasu (I think) Short black hair- Tomozawa Mutsuki Long blonde hair- Nakano Yayoi Long black hair- Oyama-san Then it's just the long blonde hair girl's Junior (cat ears) that I don't know the name of The Japanese Wiki has most of the characters name's along with the main 3's full names if anyone can help properly translate them
This guest art bromide is made by 木村リノ/Rino Kimura with his manga/band 'Ajisai Town' appearing in it. You've got 正/Tadashi (black hair guy), リツオ/Ritsuo (blonde hair guy), 実々子/Mimiko (brown hair girl), ヌっさん/Nussan (bald alien?)
This is commissioned artwork of Cyberknife, a character Technoblade intended to play after the Dream SMP server update but was ultimately unable to. The character was meant to be the opposite of everything his main character was.
From my understanding いたち/itachi (illustrator for the manga adaptation of Haganai) is the artist for this guest art bromide but they don't seem to have a tag
Also who the fuck is that? Is that yet another youtuber who diddled with a corpse, or attempted to fiddle kids?
He got banned from Twitch a few years ago for reasons that no neither side was willing to talk about until earlier this year. Turns out he was banned for trying to hook up with a minor in Twitch's now defunct social media extension. Now he's back to streaming on youtube and it seems his fanbase is willing to keep watching him because hey, it's not like he ACTUALLY disrespected the age of consent.
Umamusume characters usually look up to their IRL parents or further-up progenitor as a respected sempai, with the latter reciprocating by being friendly and accommodating. This is also true for Jordan and Pocke, but Pocke's tendency to be overprotective (e.g. publicly shaming over the Internet someone who tried to hit on Jordan) or otherwise overreact often leaves Jordan cringing at her antics.
Umamusume characters usually look up to their IRL parents or further-up progenitor as a respected sempai, with the latter reciprocating by being friendly and accommodating. This is also true for Jordan and Pocke, but Pocke's tendency to be overprotective (e.g. publicly shaming over the Internet someone who tried to hit on Jordan) or otherwise overreact often leaves Jordan cringing at her antics.
classic Seto Gouzaburou chara right there... :DogeKek:
Fun fact:Matikane Tannhauser was implemented on the 1st anniversary, Twin Turbo was implemented on the 2nd anniversary, and Ikuno Dictus was implemented on the 3rd anniversary.
Which is why each of their spectacles has ridges that match the anniversary in which they were implemented, i.e. Matikane's has 1 ridge, Turbo's has 2 ridges, and Ikuno's has 3 ridges.
Fun fact:Matikane Tannhauser was implemented on the 1st anniversary, Twin Turbo was implemented on the 2nd anniversary, and Ikuno Dictus was implemented on the 3rd anniversary.
Which is why each of their spectacles has ridges that match the anniversary in which they were implemented, i.e. Matikane's has 1 ridge, Turbo's has 2 ridges, and Ikuno's has 3 ridges.
2025 should be Royce and Royce if this trend continues.