


Yukikaze_Alecto said:

Wait, what? I just checked and all 3 voice actresses (appear to be) are just fine & healthy.

This post was dedicated to Yamashichi who was known for loving the Taiyou-class Escort Carriers.
This also explains why Hi Ye used their abyssal counterparts as she loves abyssals.

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    1. Bae doll is upside-down, as it should be.
    2. The sticker on the outside of the machine is VERY Gigi.
    3. Happy to see Amelia all EN alumnae included.
    4. I understand why there are no Fauna or Sana dolls, but I'm still a little disappointed, if only for completion's sake.


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    Moonspeaker said:
    4. I understand why there are no Fauna or Sana dolls, but I'm still a little disappointed, if only for completion's sake.

    They're on the far left above Cecilia. You can make out Sana's limiter on her head, and you can recognize Fauna on the bangs.

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