A sudden platinum upgrade raffle has appeared!



Omnicrom said:

And, perhaps sadly, this is the ending they went with.

Only if you really look at it at a surface level, really.

Realistically, a kiss had very low chances of happening anyway. I think it's fair to say that there could've been something more akin to a proper confession if they had one more episode.
The ending was a JELEE-ending on the surface, but the focus was absolutely on Kano and Mahiru. They couldn't get out of eachother's heads, and got super clingy near the end (also asset #21720908).

Sure, there were writing problems near the end, and it definitely could've done with an extra episode, but it was still pretty good in the KanoMahiru aspect, and it was hardly a "crash and burn" ending, thankfully.

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    Rhabdophobia originally meant the specific fear of being beaten with a rod, cane or club. The meaning became generalized to "fear of punishment" and then drifted further to "fear of criticism". The "fear of magic" sense, via "rod = wand", seems to be restricted to Fear & Hunger and possibly Glitchtale.

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