post #9000000 GET!


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T34/38 said:

Canonically Hina is the most feared of all Gehenna students.

Considering that she's the leader of Gehenna's armed forces and also noted by Ayane to be the strongest individual in all of Kivotos, not to mention that it seems she goes and curbstomps Gehenna's student council on a regular basis as well, I'd say that fear is definitely reasonable lol

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    kirbylittle said:

    Considering that she's the leader of Gehenna's armed forces and also noted by Ayane to be the strongest individual in all of Kivotos, not to mention that it seems she goes and curbstomps Gehenna's student council on a regular basis as well, I'd say that fear is definitely reasonable lol

    Didn't the black suit guy mention Hoshino having the strongest Mystic though? Or is that entirely separated from combat capability?

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    DammitCarl said:

    Didn't the black suit guy mention Hoshino having the strongest Mystic though? Or is that entirely separated from combat capability?

    Mystic is something like Mana used to power the special ability. Using it a lot to activate a skill doesn't mean the skill is the strongest around, it's what type the skill it is.

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    DammitCarl said:

    Didn't the black suit guy mention Hoshino having the strongest Mystic though? Or is that entirely separated from combat capability?

    Well it is pretty true that Hina did said that Hoshino is really feared back then.

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    SSJ3CORVO said:

    40k is the more popular warhammer tho. Most people know more about it

    It's sad anyway, when the Warhammer Fantasy exist but thanks to the Workshop, they decided to slap it to hell with that thing that shall not be named. Even with the Total War game exist... Although not everyone will play a game like that though even it's for the lore and giggles.

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