


All the main series mascots are here!

1, Freedom, and the franchise as a whole: Rathalos
1G: Azure Rathalos

2 (Dos): Kushala Daora
Freedom 2: Tigrex
Freedom Unite: Nargacuga

3 (Tri): Lagiacrus
Portable 3rd: Zinogre
3 Ultimate: Brachydios

4: Gore Magala
4 Ultimate: Seregios
Generations: Glavenus (not pictured: Mizutsune, Astalos, Gammoth)
Generations Ultimate: Valstrax (not pictured: Bloodbath Diablos)

World: Nergigante
World Iceborne: Velkhana
Rise: Magnamalo
Rise Sunbreak: Malzeno

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    AlsoSprachOdin said:

    What is she going to do herself? Kill herself? She doesn't need to go anywhere further than that shotgun.

    Look at it like this, if she wanted to kill herself she would have done it. Only Elster can do it, but she keeps failing at getting over to her so Ariane is going to drag Elster to her chamber pod herself.

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    When I saw this for the first time, I thought Khyle was just being himself; I was partially right, but it seems like Your mother hung herself is a meme, and yes, it implies Carnage, thus the profile picture of the troll in this comic. The context is a little long, but you can read it here if you're interested.

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