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Stud_McDuudertin said:
You know, Meiling should've known from the time before she ordered the ice-cream that she stood no chance of winning.

It took Yuyuko FIVE MINUTES - Not five seconds - Not five nano-seconds - FIVE MINUTES. If something takes Yuyuko that long to eat there is no way any creature in all of creation could ever hope to stand a chance of finishing.

then again, she might just have liked the taste, so she took her time enjoying it.

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    Coconut said:
    Time was not the limiting factor here. Capacity was.

    Yeah, but when it was clear Meiling wouldn't be able to make it, Sakuya could've just cheated by stopping time and dumping the ice cream somewhere outside the store.

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    zenjamibu said:

    Pretty sure she is an original character.

    Yeah, it's the humanization of the artist's self-insert (i.e. the pink rabbit). In the artist commentary above, she's called Geheko, because of how she laughs "gehe gehe". However I'm not sure if that's the characters actual name or not, since I wasn't able to find the artist using it anywhere else, so it could be just a nickname that artist is using for now until they choose their actual name.

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