


This lass has caught my eye the most, the colors under her skirt and on her ear cover is really catching and such a nice contrast to the white and black. I wouldn't call the older Uma designs bad, not by a long shot, but they're definitely getting better!

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    StrikeHeart said:

    This lass has caught my eye the most, the colors under her skirt and on her ear cover is really catching and such a nice contrast to the white and black. I wouldn't call the older Uma designs bad, not by a long shot, but they're definitely getting better!

    Love her design; pity the poor artists who have to draw her race costume tho...

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    I can say this fits into one of the very superficial examples in the pool; Kyouko behaving like a dog when she is one in looks only, howling/shouting. This counts for now, just take extra care in determining which other Kyouko (or other characters) fanart fit the criteria.

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