post #9000000 GET!



Do we actually know for certain that any of those arts or the mindscape art are related to her current status, though, or is that an assumption? I thought that it could be a brace just based off of its design but I don't think we'll get any real details until the patch releases later today.

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    WRS said:

    Do we actually know for certain that any of those arts or the mindscape art are related to her current status, though, or is that an assumption? I thought that it could be a brace just based off of its design but I don't think we'll get any real details until the patch releases later today. base on this art too it is current status, also you can check Section 6 halloween official art, her arm is perfectly fine, there you go for the link

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    Therein lies the problem though - one of these is fan art and the other one is, again, questioning if that's relevant to her current status, not some point in the past. This is still an assumption, not a guarantee that it's not a prosthetic as opposed to a brace to prevent her hand from touching the blade directly. The update is in a few hours - just be patient for any actual reveal on this. We can fix it if needbe based on real information instead of assuming.

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    Wasn't the whole story about how the Courier brought a nuclear package to a place Ulysses wanted to rest at? He alludes to small things having great impact, so it had to be a detonator.
    I always though the Courier caused the Divide himself, and Ullyses lures him back there because he's a history nerd.

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    FRien said:

    Wasn't the whole story about how the Courier brought a nuclear package to a place Ulysses wanted to rest at? He alludes to small things having great impact, so it had to be a detonator.
    I always though the Courier caused the Divide himself, and Ullyses lures him back there because he's a history nerd.

    Yeah, the Courier unknowingly brought a prewar detonator to The Divide, and after they left it set off the nukes buried underground. Ulysses is pissed off because he thinks the NCR and Legion are both doomed to fail (he's totally right), and both have directly destroyed places he called home; first his tribe by Caesar, and second The Divide by the NCR. He holds an especially strong grudge against the Courier, for being indirectly responsible for the destruction of The Divide.

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    I always had a headcanon that the reason ulysses spoke in so many riddles and vague sentences was because he was originally a tribal and thus couldn’t speak like the rest of the wastelanders in the mojove. or at least the devs had the intent to reflect ulysses being the equivalent of a tribal who spoke broken or vague english. i feel like the hc has some credibility too since other tribals in the game like from honest hearts have their own language systems and whatnot. and with ulysses being one of ceasers old frumentarii he learned to speak english eventually but still held onto his old accent or something like that.

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    Ulysses is a liberal arts chuunibyou edgelord blowhard writing a preachy manifesto while suffering from turbo depression.

    Prettyboyflacko said:

    I always had a headcanon that the reason ulysses spoke in so many riddles and vague sentences was because he was originally a tribal and thus couldn’t speak like the rest of the wastelanders in the mojove. or at least the devs had the intent to reflect ulysses being the equivalent of a tribal who spoke broken or vague english. i feel like the hc has some credibility too since other tribals in the game like from honest hearts have their own language systems and whatnot. and with ulysses being one of ceasers old frumentarii he learned to speak english eventually but still held onto his old accent or something like that.

    Doubt that; he drops all the flowery pretense and speaks normally if you outspeech and spare him. Guess he ran out of manifesto to preach. And got over his depression too, sorta.


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    NNescio said:

    Ulysses is a liberal arts chuunibyou edgelord blowhard writing a preachy manifesto while suffering from turbo depression.

    Doubt that; he drops all the flowery pretense and speaks normally if you outspeech and spare him. Guess he ran out of manifesto to preach. And got over his depression too, sorta.

    I played the dlc again for the first time in years and Ulysses really does sound like a deviantart self insert edgelord sometimes lol. I wish the devs spent more time focusing on giving him actual reasons to be mad at the courier (or more realistically showing how it makes sense from his paradigm). I know he had his entire tribe and family and home bombed to hell and his behaviour is probably because he just wanted someone to blame but still. The dialogue to talk him down is kinda a leap in logic sometimes mainly because his reasons for hating the courier are emotional reasons and not rational ones. Again the flowery complicated dialogue from him doesn’t help and it feels the dlc was written around the courier being ncr which my courier was not. The devs gave options for other allied couriers but most of the pre set dialogue seems very much for an ncr courier. I’m guessing the devs already had way too many lines for Ulysses anyways which is probably true because he was supposed to be a permanent companion but his lines literally didn’t fit on the physical disk. Regardless Ulysses’ VA probably got paid a bag lol.

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