A Soviet designed passive night scope for a range of Soviet designed small arms and grenade launchers. The name comes from the GRAU index. 1PN is the GRAU index of night vision devices, where PN stands for Nochnoy Pritsel (Russian: Ночной прицел) meaning night sight. It is also called NSPUM (НСПУМ) or NSPU-1. The scope was introduced into Soviet military service in the early 1970s and is still used by many of the Soviet Union's successor states, and has been used in numerous armed conflicts around the world.
The 1PN58 gathers light into a refractor which can be protected with an aperture cover. The center of the cover has a circular aperture with dark glass allowing the scope to be used in light conditions that would otherwise saturate the light intensifier. For zeroing the sight the left side of the scope has two perpendicular knobs, of which the elevation knob has a detachable scale. The scope comes with seven different, detachable elevation scales, one for each of the supported weapons. Its magnification power is 3.5×.
Any weapon fitted with the Soviet-style dovetail mount can technically use this optic. The following weapons can use the 1PN58, such as:
- AK-74
- AK-100 series
- AS Val
- Dragunov SVD and SVDK
- PSL Romak
- RPG-7
- RPK-74 and RPK-74M
- VSS Vintorez
- Zastava M76