The panels from the first three posts in this group are from Parfaite (pool #20780). The second post is from the same page and the third post is from the next page, but I only parented this post because parenting the others to their respective pages would mess up the order of this group. Only the last post has a unique panel.
Edit: Looks like I didn't look hard enough. The panel in the last post is from post #7991871.
I felt it was important to preserve the order because I assumed that panel was unique. Since all of them are from Parfaite, it's not critical that the order of these is preserved, so I will set the full pages as the parent for each of these posts.
There's probably no need to revert this, but just in case, the four preview panels in order are:
post #8310199
post #8310201
post #8310203
post #8310204