


I really like how humble Amagi is and to be honest, I see where she's coming from. That's going to be one hell of a pill for Grim to swallow. I wonder how Akagi will react if Grim actually doesn't attack her on first sight for once...

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    Upload 13'131

    Or rather, 90'908 if you include my old account (user #11314).

    Danbooru is getting too frustrating to use.
    I can't seem to find any good way for Approvers to notice my posts. What gets good eyes & approval 1 week will get ignored another.
    Make a comic pool, and watch pages languish for 3 days & die.
    Fill out an artist entry, and watch highly-liked posts disappear.
    There's no consistency I can figure out. No guidelines from those "above".
    I resorted to an approach where I ensure a post has all tags necessary, and it's not enough.
    Not what's "wanted".

    And no praise. I've contributed to 6k wiki changes, 7k pool changes, 17k artist changes, 29k commentary changes.
    And no one gives a shit.

    I've made 7'800 comments on posts.
    And I am almost certain this comment will be attacked.
    Laughing at how I'm still here, how dare I care to contribute to this site for 17 years.
    There's an undercurrent of nasty trolls that we used to stamp out, but now the racists & transphobes are running free.
    Contributing nothing but vitriol to the site.

    I'm tired.
    Tired of reloading my page to see if I can upload a post.
    Tired of fixing easy mistakes on artist entries.
    Tired of giving my time away for free.
    Tired of Danbooru.


  • -20
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  • [hidden]

    Punished_Kiki said:

    Upload 13'131

    Or rather, 90'908 if you include my old account (user #11314).

    Danbooru is getting too frustrating to use.
    I can't seem to find any good way for Approvers to notice my posts. What gets good eyes & approval 1 week will get ignored another.
    Make a comic pool, and watch pages languish for 3 days & die.
    Fill out an artist entry, and watch highly-liked posts disappear.
    There's no consistency I can figure out. No guidelines from those "above".
    I resorted to an approach where I ensure a post has all tags necessary, and it's not enough.
    Not what's "wanted".

    And no praise. I've contributed to 6k wiki changes, 7k pool changes, 17k artist changes, 29k commentary changes.
    And no one gives a shit.

    I've made 7'800 comments on posts.
    And I am almost certain this comment will be attacked.
    Laughing at how I'm still here, how dare I care to contribute to this site for 17 years.
    There's an undercurrent of nasty trolls that we used to stamp out, but now the racists & transphobes are running free.
    Contributing nothing but vitriol to the site.

    I'm tired.
    Tired of reloading my page to see if I can upload a post.
    Tired of fixing easy mistakes on artist entries.
    Tired of giving my time away for free.
    Tired of Danbooru.


    I like your uploads. I hope that you're well and continue uploading :BlobAww:

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