post #9000000 GET!


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Dancing_Menreiki said:

Sometimes I wonder if people keep posting Mercuriika just to cause controversy, it always sparks discussions and every single time it's just very tiring.

Say what you will about the tiresome discussions, but at least it reliably gets racist users to unmask themselves.

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    Dancing_Menreiki said:

    Sometimes I wonder if people keep posting Mercuriika just to cause controversy, it always sparks discussions and every single time it's just very tiring.

    Definitely. This particular post is of middling quality at best, not to mention the misaligned eyes. It probably wouldn't have been approved if not for bias – a huge amount of genuinely good art gets buried every day, while this artist seems to have a team of babysitters.

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    It could be based on how much time the dailies take up. I only have experience with GI, H:SR, and ZZZ, but in my experience ZZZ lets you burn a days worth of energy/sanity/scrumbulon in a couple fights and as many minutes, SR can be left on auto battle and you just have to hit repeat until empty, but GI can take around half an hour as you have to do a lot of manual battles to burn the resin and either explore or do quests for the dailies.

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    marcymal said:

    It could be based on how much time the dailies take up.

    Makes some sense, I play Azur Lane and there are too many things to grind daily, Operation Siren being the worst of all.
    Even with the auto-battle, auto-explore and auto-repeat the game has, everything must be "processed", as in, the map exploraition and the battles are played, never skipped.
    I, at least, take well over one hour when trying to do everything. So, from all the gachas I play, AL is the grindest.

    Mind you, I quit GI, H:SR and WuWa because they had long grind and used my PC. I need my PC to be free while I do dailies in my smartphone. XD

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    GabrielWB said:

    Moving on:

    I noticed that Azur Lane, Nikke, and Genshin are the thickest among the games.
    Is there any correlation between their sizes and how "grindy" the games are? I only have experience with Arknights.

    Dunno about Genshin, but I know that with most of AL and NIKKE, you have to actually play out the battle (though you can leave it on auto mode and not have to do anything). Compared to, say Blue Archive or GFL2; for most of them, if you get a high enough rating once, you can just press the "auto" button and instantly clear it again, without having to actually play the battle out.

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    new_scout said:

    How? Literally how.

    Well just doing dailies would save time. There would surely be one that you spend more time on than others though, so you'd just have to switch focus. If multiple have events and such than it is definitely going to be a bitch and you'd likely be forced on which to give up but I could see some managing it with a total loss.

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