post #9000000 GET!



Alisa is the butt monkey of Saunders for sure
1. Getting caught cheating by the Senshado officials
2. Getting caught spying at Oarai while Kay and Naomi visited the same school for vacation
3. Getting her meals eaten by Kay and Naomi
4. Getting electrocuted by Kay's bubblegum
5. Getting badly burned from the inside for eating Kay's burger

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    Mononokekime said:

    Alisa is the butt monkey of Saunders for sure
    1. Getting caught cheating by the Senshado officials
    2. Getting caught spying at Oarai while Kay and Naomi visited the same school for vacation
    3. Getting her meals eaten by Kay and Naomi
    4. Getting electrocuted by Kay's bubblegum
    5. Getting badly burned from the inside for eating Kay's burger

    Karma for her lack of creativity in naming her spy gadgets.

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    Hyde2467 said:

    the miraculous alt + f4

    So many games nowaday ignore that. I used to press Alt+F4 when I was close to victory in Cossacks and the like to avoid the post-battle animations and score screens, now it doesn't seem to do anything.

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