


thescarredman said:

Frankly, I'm surprised Blondie got that much love. She was truly despicable in the beginning, with no redeeming qualities. The artist's ability to generate sympathy for her in later work is masterful.

No truer words..

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    Dude is absolutely cooked and doomed now that the kivotos multiverse is included, as a side note more interested on what the "evil" Or "Dark" Version of all kivotos students plan of action is to get sensei or maybe randomly what the male version of the students will do. Just some thing to think about.

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    More TCG pocket cards and strategies. This time, focusing on cards from Mythical Island.
    - Pidgeot EX's attack does increased damage based on how many pokemon are on your opponent's bench. Pikachu EX's attack does increased damage based on how many lightning pokemon are on YOUR bench. This makes a ready-to-go Pidgeot EX basically a hard counter to Pikachu EX (with a max damage Pikachu setup allowing Pidgeot to one-shot it with no other setup required). Electrode, Zapdos and Zebstrika are all cards from Genetic Apex commonly used alongside pikachu ex - Electrode because it can retreat with no cost, zebstrika because it can snipe pokemon on the bench, and zapdos because it's the tankiest lightning-type basic.

    - Celebi's ability is similar to Marowak EX and Zapdos Ex, in that it flips a number of coins and each heads corresponds to an amount of damage. What makes Celebi more interesting is that the number of coins it flips is based on the energy it has equipped to it... and Serperior, once it's on the field, allows any grass energy to count for double for any purpose. This makes Celebi rapidly become a horrifying threat... but you can still end up without enough damage to kill, if your coins flips conspire against you.

    - Mythical Island Eevee is a really interesting and... frankly, rather funny card. It has the same mechanics as misty, but for doing multiple of 20 damage - so 1 heads in a row is 20 damage, 2 in a row is 40, 0 is 0, etc. This means that eevee has a 50% chance of doing nothing (which isn't a deal-breaker, because it's not like the Genetic Apex version can one-shot anything) and a small chance to do OBSCENE amounts of damage and one-shot anything in the roster (for example, the current max HP is 190. The eevee in the pic, with 19 heads, did literally double that).

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    C-light said:

    More TCG pocket cards and strategies. This time, focusing on cards from Mythical Island.
    - Pidgeot EX's attack does increased damage based on how many pokemon are on your opponent's bench. Pikachu EX's attack does increased damage based on how many lightning pokemon are on YOUR bench. This makes a ready-to-go Pidgeot EX basically a hard counter to Pikachu EX (with a max damage Pikachu setup allowing Pidgeot to one-shot it with no other setup required). Electrode, Zapdos and Zebstrika are all cards from Genetic Apex commonly used alongside pikachu ex - Electrode because it can retreat with no cost, zebstrika because it can snipe pokemon on the bench, and zapdos because it's the tankiest lightning-type basic.

    - Celebi's ability is similar to Marowak EX and Zapdos Ex, in that it flips a number of coins and each heads corresponds to an amount of damage. What makes Celebi more interesting is that the number of coins it flips is based on the energy it has equipped to it... and Serperior, once it's on the field, allows any grass energy to count for double for any purpose. This makes Celebi rapidly become a horrifying threat... but you can still end up without enough damage to kill, if your coins flips conspire against you.

    - Mythical Island Eevee is a really interesting and... frankly, rather funny card. It has the same mechanics as misty, but for doing multiple of 20 damage - so 1 heads in a row is 20 damage, 2 in a row is 40, 0 is 0, etc. This means that eevee has a 50% chance of doing nothing (which isn't a deal-breaker, because it's not like the Genetic Apex version can one-shot anything) and a small chance to do OBSCENE amounts of damage and one-shot anything in the roster (for example, the current max HP is 190. The eevee in the pic, with 19 heads, did literally double that).

    Celebi and Serperior strat reminds me of similar broken strat back in the original Gen 1 TCG.
    Venusaur has the Pokemon Power (the predecessor term for 'Ability') [Energy Trans] to move as many Grass Energy from any of your pokemon card to another, without any cost, for unlimited time per turn.
    Exeggutor has the move, Eggsplosion, that deals 20 damage for 'as many heads in coin flip for as many Grass Energy card attached to it.'

    It is also used in dualtype Fire/Grass deck featuring Charizard because of [Energy Burn] Pokemon Power, which treats any energy card attached to Charizard as Fire Energy, meaning you can spam 100 damage Fire Spin every turn if you have enough energy stacked.

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    Rathurue said:

    Celebi and Serperior strat reminds me of similar broken strat back in the original Gen 1 TCG.
    Venusaur has the Pokemon Power (the predecessor term for 'Ability') [Energy Trans] to move as many Grass Energy from any of your pokemon card to another, without any cost, for unlimited time per turn.
    Exeggutor has the move, Eggsplosion, that deals 20 damage for 'as many heads in coin flip for as many Grass Energy card attached to it.'

    It is also used in dualtype Fire/Grass deck featuring Charizard because of [Energy Burn] Pokemon Power, which treats any energy card attached to Charizard as Fire Energy, meaning you can spam 100 damage Fire Spin every turn if you have enough energy stacked.

    Exeggutor comparisons spot-on - only difference is that celebi does 50 damage per head - but there's actually a closer match for venusaur. The whole reason we got a new eevee in MI is because we got a single Eeveelution as well - MI Vaporeon, who has an ability that lets you move energy from your bench to your active pokemon, as long as everything involved is water type.

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