


slow.motion.shadow said:

If this is actually AI-generated, that's really concerning since I can't find anything that would obviously indicate it as such other than maybe some strange chroma issues.

Is it?! Damn, the poster has nothing about AI in Twitter bio... I check for that stuff usually, yet this is second time I got fooled(Other time was a Pixiv user who only added info about AI after I already posted one of his works here...)

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    Weebson said:

    She is Yukari... much younger Yukari...

    Oh, come on. We can be a lot more creative that that. There's not even any canon evidence that their resemblance is more than a coincidence - it would be a pretty big coincidence if it was, but we have all of the room in the world to come up with all kinds of explanations, so don't just assume the most obvious (and therefore boring) explanation is automatically fact. Give me something weird, god dammit!

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    XionGaTaosenai said:

    Oh, come on. We can be a lot more creative that that. There's not even any canon evidence that their resemblance is more than a coincidence - it would be a pretty big coincidence if it was, but we have all of the room in the world to come up with all kinds of explanations, so don't just assume the most obvious (and therefore boring) explanation is automatically fact. Give me something weird, god dammit!

    What about them being relatives like yukari is an ancestor and that is the reason for maribel's powers are similar to the gap hag's

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    XionGaTaosenai said:

    Oh, come on. We can be a lot more creative that that. There's not even any canon evidence that their resemblance is more than a coincidence - it would be a pretty big coincidence if it was, but we have all of the room in the world to come up with all kinds of explanations, so don't just assume the most obvious (and therefore boring) explanation is automatically fact. Give me something weird, god dammit!

    There's tons of canon evidence for them being the same person. The fact they resemble eachother is only one of like a dozen things that link the two.

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    pichu356 said:

    What about them being relatives like Yukari is an ancestor and that is the reason for Maribel's powers are similar to the Gap Hag's.

    That or Maribel is Yukariโ€™s daughter. Probably her youngest daughter at that. I mean, would you expect someone whoโ€™s been alive that long and still looks like sheโ€™s in her prime to have been a virgin up until now?

    Now while I would like to imagine that Yukari was at least a decent parent and was there for her daughter as much as she coul. Although she obviously didnโ€™t tell her about Gensokyo or that sheโ€™s actually a Yokai thatโ€™s been alive for a very long time.

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