


Honestly, I hope he enjoys himself. GFL2 is a surprisingly good game and the story actually is pretty good despite having 10 years worth of lore to cover.

That said I wouldn't mind at all if someone from GFL2 popped in the comic like Gamby and UMP45 did for a hot second in the future.


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    While I've been enjoying the gameplay and story, it's their use of audio during the visual novel segments that I've been particularly impressed by. I can't think of another game I've played where you can completely or at least almost completely understand what is happening in some scenes based purely on the sound effects without the text stating it.

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    I'm a little unsure of my rendering of the commentary, but am confident I got the general gist right; the "plenty of things here" just doesn't apply to this image specifically because it's talking about the collection that this piece was included in as a whole.

    ...That said, my sum of knowledge on Pokemon only comes up to about Gen 5 so I don't actually recognize the presumably Pokemon characters in any of the art, and can't confirm whether dreams and anthropomorphication, specifically, are actually present. Only that I found plenty of girls' clothes and bewilderment.

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    illumini9 said:

    I'm a little unsure of my rendering of the commentary, but am confident I got the general gist right; the "plenty of things here" just doesn't apply to this image specifically because it's talking about the collection that this piece was included in as a whole.

    ...That said, my sum of knowledge on Pokemon only comes up to about Gen 5 so I don't actually recognize the presumably Pokemon characters in any of the art, and can't confirm whether dreams and anthropomorphication, specifically, are actually present. Only that I found plenty of girls' clothes and bewilderment.

    "夢" is a term for self-inserting, here it means that this pixiv log includes ship art of the artist's self-insert and another character, "擬人化" is personification, and "女装" refers to male characters crossdressing. "よくわからんの" I would just put as "and other stuff" in this context.

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