


This resembles a NATO battalion more than a Soviet one. A Soviet motorized rifle section wouldn't emphasize the fireteam concept this much, instead you'd have split between the 4 man fire group and the 2 man maneuver group. Though I guess with cyclops in play you end up with larger squads. Feels kind of wrong to have such large rifle sections though, traditionally soviet rifle sections were always pretty small compared to their western counterparts.

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    Jemnite said:

    I wasn't really paying attention when looking at the pictures (mostly just like the detailed tank drawing) but apparently this takes in an alternate timeline where some sort of alien invasion is happening near the arctic and they blew open a giant crater in the Kamchatka Peninsula.

    Sounds like Muv-Luv but without the robutts. I encountered the idea before, in a Nationstates-y RP. Seemed interesting, but the GM had an extremely off-putting personality.

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    bagd said:

    Sounds like Muv-Luv but without the robutts. I encountered the idea before, in a Nationstates-y RP. Seemed interesting, but the GM had an extremely off-putting personality.

    There's a map that I didn't feel was worth upping to dan, but here's the asset link if you want a look:

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    bagd said:

    I'm rather intrigued now... Thank you!
    Dear lord, those are some mighty heavy assets for a BTG. Tyulpans, Malkas, all those air assets...

    I think the standard BTG (well, as far as it can be 'standardized' anyway considering these are largely ad-hoc formations) is like 2-3 artillery batteries, which should be like maybe 6 2S19s (2 platoons per battery), so besides the air assets which I don't think usually get attached to BTG they're not that much heavier than the average BTG. They're actually understrength on armor, they have less than half the T-72s accorded to the standard tank company, and as per usual for a Russian BTG they're way too short on dismounts and are going to be completely unable to push through an urban environment.

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    I'm gonna say it, I don't like Zhongli being cryptic all the time.

    Like, HE KNEW we had the key to saving Hu Tao in case anything happens, but he decided to wait for us to realize the truth instead of just saying something like "Yo, Hu Tao is in this place, go there, you can save her 100%", or does he think he would keep employment after she dies? Considering he leaves all of his tabs on the Parlor?

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    NNescio said:

    Yep, they actually referenced this event in one of the in-game convos.

    (Orfe's just itching to punch you though. She doesn't go through with it.)

    Trainer just looks so good in red that her horse soul was raring to go.

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