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TwinLeadersX said:

Have no clue what the flowers and birds in the middle ring are, but the Four Mythical Beasts are a nice touch. I'm guessing the Vermillion Bird is hidden from view?

You can see part of its wing at the bottom of panel 3, but I didn't consider it enough to merit a Suzaku tag.

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    Lt_Col_Summers said:

    Wasn't there a Japanese legend about a vengeful spirit who count plates at the bottom of a well in a creepy way?
    Don't remember the name of that legend, though...

    That's the Okiko-san thing that KageMahotsukai was talking about. It was Mononobe no Futo's Urban Legend in Urban Legend in Limbo.

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    CopulationByNight said:

    Anytime Buhanochka art turns out to be traced I die a little inside

    They all look traced. I don't have proof for those I didn't find the trace source of, but I'd bet you a whole 5 bucks that they're all traced except for, like, the helmet

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    ArkUnion said:

    Is it the famous "Surstrรถmming" ?

    Nope. rotting seafood sauce.
    Specifically the squad acquired military rations after raiding a PMC base, nobody wanted to touch the sauce and it was forgotten until it started expanding from the gasses being produced.
    Saki had to disarm the can so no civilians could get harmed by it.

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    Incineration said:

    Nope. rotting seafood sauce.
    Specifically the squad acquired military rations after raiding a PMC base, nobody wanted to touch the sauce and it was forgotten until it started expanding from the gasses being produced.
    Saki had to disarm the can so no civilians could get harmed by it.

    Probably itself a reference to the infamous Korean Canned Mixed Seafood Sauce (intended to be served over rice), distributed as part of South Korean military rations and memetically infamous for tasting so vile one wouldn't even feed it to cats.

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