If you're going to crusade, make it about some actually insulting messages, not a bunch of injokes.
And you're part of the problem, to begin with. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7816260 was apparently your idea, and you were one of the approvers that decided the others needed to see https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7412460 in the queue repeatedly for a month. Things like that probably have something to do with Sam now having a reputation for shitposting, and you encouraged both of them.
I'll reiterate a point I made earlier. If you're going to treat the mod queue like a joke, don't get mad when everyone else does the same.
Making jokes is ok, but if something spirals out of control I don't care what caused this jokes. It's annoying and should be called out. Certain things overstay their welcome.
If you're going to crusade, make it about some actually insulting messages, not a bunch of injokes.
And you're part of the problem, to begin with. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7816260 was apparently your idea, and you were one of the approvers that decided the others needed to see https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7412460 in the queue repeatedly for a month. Things like that probably have something to do with Sam now having a reputation for shitposting, and you encouraged both of them.
I'll reiterate a point I made earlier. If you're going to treat the mod queue like a joke, don't get mad when everyone else does the same.
Please tell me more about your tribulations going through the modqueue.
Also not sure why you brought up post #7816260, that was appealed for a very specific reason described in the message.
Are they disproportionate to the content of the post, though? You can make a pretty educated guess when topicality rules left blurry for a good reason are being pushed beyond their absolute tipping point just to farm reactions like those. I'm the "bad faith", 1 out of the I guess 2 messages that might've come off as personal, and it's not until this comment that I even paid attention to the uploader of this one, all I saw was a purple name that should definitely know better than to think a social media selfie would be well-received by any niche part of the site's userbase whatsoever.
"Bad faith" might be fair but "Typical sam behavior" is definetly far too personal and some messages (egg, etc) are just spam.
HyphenSam said:
I'll just leave this here.
If only NNT would practice what he preached then. I agree with what he says here but it falls pretty flat seeing this in a discord message when "talking shit about other users" is 25% of what goes on in the server (with the people doing it not only including approvers but sometimes nonamethanks himself) and the mods apperently had disagreements on wheter or not to do anything about it. I don't know the context about this message but the site itself is atleast the more "professional" side while the server is where it's acceptable to be cunt 24/7 and call others retards for making mistakes so it definetly dosen't fit in feedback messages.
edit: "practice what he preached" refers to mods on the server not really punishing being an asshole, not to single out nnt specifically.
"messages" (plural) "approvers" (plural) "out of control" "throwing cheese"
You're deliberately ignoring everything that's been pointed out so far in favor of some mass persecution narrative you're clinging to in your head.
The "adult" way to resolve this situation would be DMing a mod or admin instead of stirring the pot for all to see and form further biases towards OP. That way, you might even get some return feedback on whether the snarky approver was a repeat offender and what, if anything, has been done about the infraction, because unless their record was bad enough to warrant a ban or demotion, staff rightfully isn't going to air this out on a public forum. But you didn't choose that route, so here we are. The guy you're so outraged by probably isn't even reading this right now for all we know.
"messages" (plural) "approvers" (plural) "out of control" "throwing cheese"
You're deliberately ignoring everything that's been pointed out so far in favor of some mass persecution narrative you're clinging to in your head.
The "adult" way to resolve this situation would be DMing a mod or admin instead of stirring the pot for all to see and form further biases towards OP. That way, you might even get some return feedback on whether the snarky approver was a repeat offender and what, if anything, has been done about the infraction, because unless their record was bad enough to warrant a ban or demotion, staff rightfully isn't going to air this out on a public forum. But you didn't choose that route, so here we are. The guy you're so outraged by probably isn't even reading this right now for all we know.
The correct way is for mods to finally put an end to that charade of users writing a) destructive dlags, b) destructive appeals and c) destructive rejection messages.
It would seem, based on the coloration, it matches what's called a "purple heart pomegranate" or "purple sunset pomegranate". Didn't know they existed until right now
A rail bridge much like a G36c's would probably be weird to aim with on something as small as a Micro Uzi(?).
... can't the original Micro-Uzi even cram a top rail despite the limited(?) space on top? Pretty sure that thick charging handle is on the side which is a plus compared to the original
*Both in response and inspired by the translated Artist's commentary* Perceptive people, and also people who are Both perceptive and Straightforward like indeed here, could be a Boon,could even be a Blessing,could Convert to such,Could Be.