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Mari has different rank than everyone else, though I imagine that also has something to do with the lack of other decoration on her uniform. She lacks that circular pin with the inscribed red circle and black dot that everyone else has.

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    Crydubs said:

    Does this artist do literally anything other than draw characters as nazis?

    Why not? commie artists draw their characters with commie shit all the time and you don't hear people complain about it. It's always losers whining about characters wearing hugo boss uniforms.

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    FJH said:

    Mari has different rank than everyone else, though I imagine that also has something to do with the lack of other decoration on her uniform. She lacks that circular pin with the inscribed red circle and black dot that everyone else has.

    It's the lowest rank,, you can tell by the pips and stripes on the lapel (these are variants of Sturmführer IIRC, the same rank Rip Van Winkle holds in Hellsing, Mari is either a SS-Oberscharführer or a SS-Standartenjunker, you can tell by the shoulder pad in combination with the pips, probably because she's the newest character out of the bunch, Misato LOOKS to be Sturmbannfuhrer or Major)

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