But people bet at box matches. Also, in some countries you can predict the score of a football match as a bet. They're both completely legal.
More, since she is a racehorse herself, she's likely placing bets on her own friends/rivals/etc here. Even if- or rather, especially if- she gets a big payout, that's going to make things awkward if they find out.
Feel like this warrants a Hilarious in Hindsight entry because the bottle of booze in the side is Nanakanba, a sake brand whose owners have ties to the RL Symbolis (and the namesake is indeed Rudolf), and didn't let the opportunity slide.
Since a lot of the designs here are a bit off, maybe the brown thing at the top by the Sears Pong and the Famicom could be a Milton Bradley Microvision. It's supposed to have a black stripe at the top and bottom but I can't think of anything else that looks anything like that.
Considering Mika has a large halo, this might happen.
But it was revealed that the students' halos aren't shaped as how the Sensei sees it, and they kinda look like translucent circle outline to themselves...
54 wins out of 54 races. Arguably the greatest racehorse to have ever lived, with an unbeaten record far surpassing Tokino Minoru's.
Story goes she and her cat Csalogány were practically inseparable and she would refuse to be transported without the company of her cat. This glitch incarnation of her will definitely get along well with Yayoi & Maria and Doto & Meto.
Kincsem also had a rather... peculiar way of running. She would often slowly walk to the start with a lopsided gait while slouching with her head bobbing, or as the news back then call it "...like an old gal with rheumatoid arthritis." Sometimes she'll start munching on grass and basically refuse to properly stand at the line until they just gave up and let the race start without her. Then she'll continue to chew, and chew.. until she suddenly decided to run and proceeded to crush all her opponents despite giving them all a MASSIVE headstart. Yeah, Golshi Warp has nothing on her. And no, this isn't a one time occurence. But she still won ALL her races.
Oh and Kincsem also had this weird quirk where she would ABSOLUTELY refuse to enter the winner's circle after a race to receive her awards... unless someone fastens a flower bouquet to her bridle first. Yeah, that's why her OC uma counterpart above has those flowers on her ear and hair.
I wonder if part of the malfunction also includes the goddesses compensating for improvements in breeding and training by giving buffs based on factors like undefeated status back in the day.
Otherwise there's no reason for the musume of a newer horse to be afraid of an old legend because track times improving from generation to generation must mean the young'uns are actually faster. If Usain Bolt and Eric Liddell were simulated in their respective prime Liddell would be toast despite being a legend in his own right.
I'm hearing from other people that the devs are likely waste the potential of the "uma VR" plot and didn't bother to develop a continuation of the story same way as in other cygames' game...