


Friend, I felt it as a low blow. But I couldn't agree more on the difference in the smiles that Klein ends up having since his beginnings in the new world as a beyonder to the heavy smiles he has when he is close to divinity.

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    Soalner said:

    Not sure which version this artist is referring to, but most versions of ippon-datara dont eat people.(Makes me wonder why this day is considered unlucky.)

    From what I could gather, the unluckiness of hate no hatsuka came first, and the relationship with ippon-datara came later (as a result of its relationship with the Hatenashi mountain range and the fact that there are no passers-by at this time of the year โ€”to not be/to be missing โ†’ nakunaru; this na happens to be the same one as in Hatenashi).

    It's true that the ippon-datara is often said not to harm humans, however this page does say they do eat the travellers that go through the mountains. Now, I have no clue where this page gets their info from, nor whether it happens to be accurate to any degree, but after translating Ohayoumu for a few months, it's clear to me that Youmu-kun mostly relies on that webpage (sometimes even copying their exact wording). And, by his own admission, he does not do his due diligence in his research.


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    Ipoon-datara legends vary between regions, and a few versions do eat people.(I actually considered clarifying that in my original comment but couldn't figure out how to word it correctly.) I was mostly criticizing the holiday rather than bashing the authors research credits.

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