Do they have to be THAT hot that they need to be heated in a furnace?
Steel is a lot harder to deform when it isn't red-hot. Cold riveting is fine in a factory setting, but for the large rivets historically used in construction, it would require impractically heavy tools.
Hot rivets have the desirable property of contracting as they cool, clamping the joint together. At lower starting temperatures, this effect becomes less pronounced, resulting in a looser joint.
Rarity: *3 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: N/A Max Limit Break Ability: Attack UP [8] & Defense UP [8] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [8] & Chance to Evade [8] Description (JP): 「アロハ~、どう?ハワイ要素てんこもりのまどか先輩だよ~ マギレコ史上最強の派手メモリアの自信があるよ 目がチカチカする?まぁ、わたしも人気アニメの主人公だから 溢れ出るオーラは隠せないよね~…あ、そういう話じゃない?」 Description (ENG): "Aloha, 'sup? It's Madoka-senpai, full of the elements of Hawaii, yo~ I'm full of confidence from MagiReco's flashy strongest ever Memoria, yo~ Are your eyes dazzled? Well, since I'm also the main character of a popular anime, I guess I can't hide my overflowing aura, yo~ ...oh, that's not what we're talking about?"
The precum/fluid isnt actually coming out of his urethra. He should get thag checked out.
It's called hypospadias, a rare congenital defect of which the urethral canal failed to close properly. Alternatively, the artist could be a woman who doesn't know how male genitalia works...