According the Nation of Islam's doctrine, Yakub was a black scientist who lived in Mecca 6,600 years ago.
Notorious for his large head and arrogance, after discovering the law of attraction and repulsion at age 6, he devised a plan to create a new race that could rule over all others through trickeries and lies, or "Attraction" He accomplished this through a selective breeding project. With 59,999 followers, he traveled to an isle of Pelan, in the Aegean Sea, enacting absolute rule and deliberate eugenics upon a population.
While he died at age 150, his followers continued his work and successfully created the white race after 600 years.
This new race traveled to Mecca and caused so much trouble they were banished to West Asia, now known as Europe, stripped of everything but their language. Living as relative savages for thousands of years, Moses attempted to civilize them, teaching them to wear clothes, but failed, and used dynamite to kill the most troublesome among them.
Despite this they did, ultimately, learn Yakub's principles of "Trickonology," through which they soon managed to enslave the other races through their lack of empathy. This would continue from the age of exploration until the "Black" races (Which according to NOI doctrine, included East Asian and Middle Eastern races) regained dominance, a process which began in 1914
This story is (obviously) fake, but it is meant to be interpreted symbolically. Its insistence that white people used to live as "Savages", for example may be an exaggeration of the idea that many European civilization emerged later than African, Asian, Arab, and Native American ones (Excluding Greece and Rome/Italy, who were not considered "White" as of the early 1900s, when this was conceived). Or it may simply exist to counter the notion that non-white peoples were "Backwards" until they were encountered by Europeans during the age of exploration.
Moses' attempt to "Civilize" white people may also reference the idea that many ideas that Europeans learned were imparted to them by distant African and Arabic civilizations, such as the bare ideas of vaccination and (allegedly) bathing.