mahou tsukai no yoru
Mahou Tsukai no Yoru is a visual novel, developed by Type-Moon and released on April 12, 2012. Koyama Hirokazu is the lead artist. The VN is based on a novel of the same name, which was written by Type-Moon co-founder Nasu Kinoko in 1996, but never released publicly.
Aozaki Aoko is featured as the main character.
- Aozaki Aoko
- Aozaki Touko
- Fumizuka Eiri
- Kinomi Housuke
- Kumari Kojika
- Kuonji Alice
- Lugh Beowulf
- Shizuki Soujuurou
- Suse Ritsuka
- Suse Yuika
- Tsukiji Tobimaru
External links
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