The original Gundam Mobile Suit from the series Mobile Suit Gundam. Together with the Guntank and the Guncannon, it is the final mobile suit of the Earth Federation's Project V. It also serves as the Gundam franchise's mascot. It is piloted by the series' protagonist, Amuro Ray.
Extremely powerful and resilient (thanks to its experimental Luna Titanium Alloy or Gundarium), it is equipped with an advanced A.I. system that improves the combat abilities of its pilot. The model was designed by Tem Ray specifically to counter the treat of Zeon's standard mobile suits, most notably the Zaku II.
Visually, the RX-78-2 has a white, red, blue, and yellow color scheme. It also has a white V-fin on its head unit, and is often seen carrying a couple of energy swords, a shield and a beam rifle. Not the be confused with the Gundam Mk II, Strike Gundam, Ground Gundam, or Gundam GP-01 Zephyranthes.
In real life it was designed by Ookawara Kunio and refined by Yasuhiko Yoshikazu in the late 70s. (Yasuhiko designed the Gundam's face mask and color scheme.)
The first Gundam was inspired by Mazinger Z (mecha) and the power armors from Starship Troopers.
See also
- RX-78-1 "Prototype Gundam" / プロトタイプガンダム (Gundam MSV)
- RX-78-3 "G-3 Gundam" / G-3ガンダム (Novelization of Mobile Suit Gundam / Gundam MSV)
- RX-78-4 "4th Gundam G-04" aka. "Gundam Unit 4 G04" / ガンダム4号機 (M-MSV / Gundam Side Story: From Place Beyond the Blaze (Senkou no Hate ni))
- RX-78-5 "5th Gundam G-05" aka. "Gundam Unit 5 G05" / ガンダム5号機 (M-MSV / Gundam Side Story: From Place Beyond the Blaze (Senkou no Hate ni))
- RX-78-6 "Mudrock Gundam" / ガンダム6号機 "マドロック" (M-MSV / Gundam Zeonic Front)
- RX-78-7 Gundam ("7th Gundam") / ガンダム7号機 (M-MSV / Kidou Senshi Gundam Senki(Gundam Battlefield Record): UC 0081)
- RX-78F00 / The real life moving Gundam statue in Yokohama
- Gundam EX
- GM / The cheap and underpowered mass produced version of the mecha