psycho frame
Appearing in the Universal Century timeline of the Gundam franchise, the Psycho Frame is a technology that builds on the brainwave-to-machine code translator known as Psycommu into the atom-level of the metal frame of a Mobile Suit. More specifically, the psycommu chips are shrank and lined in the gaps between the hive-shaped metal particles of the mobile suit's frame. This allows a Newtype pilot to control the mobile suit as if it were their own body with limitations. Traditional psycommu systems require a large subsystem, and are typically mounted on larger Mobile Armor platforms. With the development of the Psycho Frame, it became possible to install a psycommu system into a smaller mobile suit.
Psycho Frame materials physically appears to be glowing (usually emitting green-colored light) and comes in various shapes and sizes, from a small sample (one is seen to be T-shaped and always carried by Chan Agi for study), to being lined to the entire mobile suit's frame (as seen on Unicorn Gundam units).