various types of Poke Balls (annotated in post)
poke ball
Japanese name: モンスターボール (Monster Ball)
You know, Poké Balls!
P-O-K-accent-E Balls!
Known as a Monster Ball in Japan; a spherical capsule used to capture and store Pokémon (Pocket Monsters). The most common and recognized Poké Ball is the titular basic variant, which has two colored halves: red on top and white on bottom. It is one of the central symbols of the franchise.
Normally, captured Pokémon are shrunken down and stored inside the ball, though some refuse to go inside the Poké Balls. Ash's Pikachu is a notable example.
Some Pokémon are noticeably similar to Poké Balls: Voltorb, Electrode, Foongus, Amoonguss, Galarian Stunfisk, and Brute Bonnet.
Note: Don't use ball, holding_ball and related "ball" tags when the object in question is a Poké Ball. Simply use poke_ball, holding_poke_ball, etc. Don't tag Tera Orbs as Poké Balls.
Misc. tags
Major Poké Ball types
- Poké Ball (basic)
- Beast Ball (Ultra Ball in Japan)
- Cherish Ball (Precious Ball in Japan)
- Dive Ball
- Dream Ball
- Dusk Ball (Dark Ball in Japan)
- Fast Ball (Speed Ball in Japan)
- Friend Ball
- Great Ball (Super Ball in Japan)
- Heal Ball
- Heavy Ball
- Level Ball
- Love Ball (Love Love Ball in Japan)
- Lure Ball
- Luxury Ball (Gorgeous Ball in Japan)
- Master Ball
- Moon Ball
- Nest Ball
- Net Ball
- Park Ball
- Premier Ball
- Quick Ball
- Repeat Ball
- Safari Ball
- Sport Ball
- Strange Ball
- Timer Ball
- Ultra Ball (Hyper Ball in Japan)
Exclusive to Legends: Arceus
- Poké Ball → Great Ball → Ultra Ball
- Heavy Ball → Leaden Ball (Megaton Ball in Japan) → Gigaton Ball
- Feather Ball → Wing Ball → Jet Ball
- Origin Ball
Other Poké Ball types
- Ancient Poké Ball (Horizons)
- Clone Ball (Mewtwo Strikes Back)
- Dark Ball (Celebi: The Voice of the Forest)
- GS Ball (event-only; cannot be used in battle)
- Pester Ball (Snap)
- Typing Ball (Typing Adventure)
See also:
The following tags are aliased to this tag: monster_ball, poke_balls, pokeball, and pokeballs (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: beast_ball, cherish_ball, dive_ball, dusk_ball, fast_ball, friend_ball, great_ball, gs_ball, heal_ball, heavy_ball, hisuian_poke_ball, holding_poke_ball, level_ball, love_ball, lure_ball, luxury_ball, master_ball, moon_ball, net_ball, poke_ball_(basic), premier_ball, quick_ball, repeat_ball, safari_ball, timer_ball, ultra_ball, and waist_poke_ball (learn more).