The hourglass shape
orion (constellation)
Orion is an equatorial constellation, named after the mythological hunter Orion in Greek mythology. Its brightest stars are Betelgeuse, part of the Winter triangle, and Rigel, part of the Winter Hexagon.
Orion is one of the brightest and most easily recognizable constellations. Its 7 brightest stars form an hourglass "⟩⟨" shape with red Betelgeuse at the top left and blue Rigel at the bottom right. At the center of the shape lies a 3-star asterism known as the Belt of Orion, beneath which lies another asterism called the Sword of Orion (see post #8405 for reference). In addition to the hourglass shape, other stars in the constellation form patterns that depict a stick figure of Orion with one arm holding a bow (in other interpretations, a shield or hide) and the other arm raised (in other interpretations, holding a club or sword).