mach rider (character)
The titular main protagonist of Mach Rider. Riding a motorcycle mounted with machine guns, he is Earth's last hope in fighting back against the invading alien forces as he searches for a new frontier.
His trophy and music theme in Super Smash Bros. Melee gained him greater recognition.
It is debated that Mach Rider is possibly a woman. This is due to Vs. Mach Rider, the arcade version, slowly reveals a skimpy woman holding a knife next to Mach Rider's bike the more levels you complete, with beating the final level revealing her fully[1][2]. This is further fueled by the Japanese gaming magazine "High Score" September 1986 issue, which had a pin-up poster of a female Mach Rider[3][4], created by Yasuo Torai (虎井安夫) and Yasuhiro Kagami (鏡泰裕). No context was ever given who these women are, leading to speculation.