Hatterene (Japanese: ブリムオン Brimuon) is a dual-type Psychic/Fairy Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII. It evolves from Hattrem. It is the final form of Hatenna.
Much like Gardevoir, it gained similar popularity due to its humanoid, feminine appearance, resembling a witch with a witch hat. Though unlike the former, Hatterene is exclusively female. Because of the similar notoriety, it is also often paired with Gardevoir, typically as a rival.
In some fanarts, Hatterene's "dress" (in actuality an extension to its "hair" appendages) is mistakenly depicted as the body of the Pokémon itself. The "actual" body of Hatterene is in fact disproportionally small, and can be visible above the "dress".
Hatterene has a Gigantamax form, Gigantamax Hatterene.
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