Any man-made enclosed, permanent and rigid structure used or intended for supporting, sheltering any use or continuous occupancy.
Related tags
- airport
- apartment
- arena
- barn
- bar (place)
- cafe
- church
- concentration camp
- factory
- gas station
- greenhouse
- house
- hospital
- hut
- laboratory
- library
- mansion
- military base
- mosque
- museum
- palace
- parking garage
- pyramid
- restaurant
- school
- shack
- shop
- skyscraper
- space elevator
- stable
- stadium
- temple
- tower
- train station
Parts of a building
- awning
- balcony
- deck
- dome
- door
- dormer
- drainpipe
- fence
- garage
- hallway
- patio
- porch
- railing
- rooftop
- skylight
- spire
- stairs
- stone walkway
- trellis
- veranda
- window
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: buildings (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: skyscraper (learn more).