A fictional mecha from the Gundam series. It first appeared in the Victory Gundam anime series from 1993.
ZM-S21G Bruckeng
While the Zanscare ZM-S24G Gedlav was a formidable unit in conjunction with the Einerad support craft, the Einerad would occasionally be taken from it and used against it.
The Bruckeng addresses that problem by equipping the new Segmented Einerad on to its back and deploying it when needed. The Segmented Einerad made the Bruckeng highly versatile as it could now be used for defense by unfolding around the Bruckengs waist and spin to deflect beam rifle fire, which also allowed it be used as a ramming weapon. Another new feature added was that the Einerad could also separate into four parts and be used to hold enemy mobile suits, allowing the Bruckeng to destroy them.
The Bruckeng was equipped with the standard Zanscare weaponry of a beam shield and a pair of beam sabers, and for added firepower it could be equipped with a beam rifle and missile pods on its shoulders.