marida cruz
A character in Gundam Unicorn, Marida Cruz was originally known as "Ple Twelve", a clone of Elpeo Puru. Marida was awakened by Glemy Toto and fought with her sisters during the first Neo Zeon movement.
After the fight with Chara Soon in U.C.0089.1.17, she was one of the only surviving clones and was later taken by slave traders. She was later sold into sex slavery, in a colony brothel. Although her handlers thought she was too young to be a prostitute, the Madam thought there are pedophiles that would be interested in such youth.
Before coming under the protection of Suberoa Zinnerman, Marida experienced countless pregnancies and abortions and her body is scarred from the abuse of her brutal customers. Afterwards, she was rescued and taken in by a Neo Zeon faction to become a MS pilot once again.
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