User ID | 838083 |
Join Date | 2021-09-19 |
Level | Member (Gift upgrade) |
Ban reason |
Creating a new account to bypass posting limits is against site policy (user #847236 was created as a sock-puppet). This is a temporary ban, but if you do the same in the future, it can be made permanent. Edit: Another sockpuppet (user #847343), so you win a one-month ban. The next sockpuppet will get you banned permanently. Edit: Permanent it is (user #847345). (banned forever) |
Upload Limit | 0 / 10 (help) |
Uploads | 15 (tag changes report) |
Deleted Uploads | 15 |
Favorites | 7 |
Favorite Groups | 0 |
Post Changes | 17 |
Note Changes | 0 in 0 posts (note changes report) |
Wiki Page Changes | 0 |
Artist Changes | 0 |
Commentary Changes | 18 |
Pool Changes | 0 |
Approvals | 0 |
Appeals | 0 |
Feedback | positive:0 neutral:0 negative:3 |