The God of Fellowship from Everyday with Gods series by pageratta.
a.k.a. Friendship God
God Power: 「Blessing of Friendship」
<< - It seems like thoughout the series, the God of Friendships got screw over a lot. - That's what true friends do, screwing over you! >> Danboorians
The Super Friendly God, can become friends with anyone without discrimination. Secretly worries about balding. Ascended to godhood due to sheer numbers of "Like!" at FaceBook.
He is like your homie from 'hood. Usually, Yuujin being the guinea pig (willing or not) for others' God Power or hobbies, mostly because he is not shy to ask them for it. Often hangs out with other gods in their activities. Occasionally going to Earth for nanpa with The Almighty being as a wingman. Very often seen with "\m/" gesture.
Appearance: Green hair, contsricted pupils.
Attire: Red ballcap which is worn sideways, yellow hoodie, white t-shirt with random friendship-themed writings, dark-green pants, red-white sneackers.
Accesories: golden necklace "LINE", white earphones with "友" on them.
Halo: ring piercing on lower lip.
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