A mecha from the MACROSS franchise. It first appeared in the Macross Plus OVA from 1994.
The YF-21 Omega One is the first prototype of the VF-22 variable fighter. This experimental advanced mecha was developed by the company General Galaxy to be used by the U.N. Spacy. A test pilot for the YF-21 was Guld Goa Bowman.
Fighter mode features include extreme high speed and maneuverability inside an atmosphere as well as a new mini pin-point barrier system adapted for variable fighter use.
The battroid mode of this unit strongly resembles the design of the old Quimeliquola Queadluun-Rau Zentradi power armor and also uses that alien mecha's original inertia vector control system and short range energy arm cannons besides the standard gunpod.
In real life it was designed by Kawamori Shouji (external fuselage design) and Miyatake Kazutaka (cockpit design) in the 90s. The mind control system of the mecha was inspired by the one used in the Mig-31 Firefox jet from the movie Firefox.