An animation studio, founded in 2013, as a daughter company of the production company Just Pro, its bosses being producers Terai Sadahiro and Fukuhara Yoshitada. Specialized in 3DCG animation, later scouting Ishidate Kotarou of gdgd Fairies fame and Tatsuki of doujin group irodori later that year; those two alongside the producers being seen as the founders.
The studio gained worldwide fame after the first season of Kemono Friends, their first collaboration with doujin group irodori, which received critical acclaim despite the low budget that resulted into poor animation quality. After, according to Kadokawa, reportedly mishandling the franchise's copyright in 2017, Tatsuki was removed as director of the anime, and soon after Yaoyozoru was terminated from the contract.
The studio later seceded to form a new company, 8million (a play on the literal meaning of Yaoyorozu) in early 2020.